Well I'd like to start this blog post with an apology - sorry to everyone who has emailed wanting to know what is going on with DMO Frameworks! To say its been a bit of a whirl wind since both the Bespoked Bristol show and the Spin London show is somewhat of an understatement.
I was completely overwhelmed with the feedback I have had from the shows, and from the blog directly - I've now had nearly 6000 hits which is quite amazing!
Anywho, one of my motivations while building frame number one was to get a picture of the three of us with the finished article - well here it is.....
I think I'm going to have to get this one framed and hung up in the workshop.
The beedy eyed amoung you will have noticed that the bike is now geared, this is because I took part in the inagrual highland trail 430 race on it at the end of May - more to follow on this shortly.
I am currently in the process of designing my frame jig MK2, hopefully I'll be in a position to put some screen shots of this on the website by the end of the weekend.
Anywho, I'd better get back to it!